Claudia Noemí Aguado

Bachelor in Social Sciences. Counselor. Specializing in Personal Development. Has had further in-depth specialist training in PCA in Casabierta. Qualified in Psychodrama, Group Dynamics and Grief Therapy. Training in Relational Depth (provided by Dave Mearns and Elke Lambers). Counselor for the Argentine Navy Labor Reinsertion Department. Has a private Counseling practice. Student supervisor for the “Interview” course included in the Counseling studies curriculum at Holos San Isidro. Is a member of the organizing committee for the 9th Argentine PCA Encounter. Presented a paper at the 4th World Psychotherapy Congress (held in Buenos Aires) and contributed to the organization of the Dave Mearns and Elke Lambers Masterclass held in Buenos Aires in 2007. Member of the Argentine Counselors’ Association and Member of the WAPCEP.

Karina Bahillo

Bachelor in Public Relations. Counselor. Specializing in Personal Development. Has done further specialist training in Psychodrama and Group Dynamics. Theoretical-Experiential training for Counselors provided by Dave Mearns and Elke Lambers. Further in-depth learning into the Person Centered Approach at Casabierta. Private Counseling practice. Facilitator for personal growth groups and co-supervision of professionals based on PCA. Teacher on several courses in the Counseling school and supervisor in Counselor training practices. Has presented papers and organized workshops at a variety of Counseling and humanistic psychology Conferences and events. Member of the counselors’ commission involved in the 4th World Congress on Psychotherapy and member of the group coordinating the 2007 Masterclass by Dave Mearns. Organizer and facilitator for in-company Effective Communication Seminars. Member of the Argentine Counselors’ Association.

María José González Cerezo

Counselor. Specializing in Personal Development. Psychodrama training at Casabierta. In-depth training in PCA at Casabierta. Relational Depth training (provided by Dave Mearns and Elke Lambers). Private Counseling Practice, individual care, couples. Facilitator for personal development groups. Supervisor. Graduate trainer based on PCA. ‘Counseling Interview and Practice’, and ‘Role Training’ Teacher at the Counseling school (1995 a 2007). Presentation of workshops and conferences at a variety of Latin American and Argentine Encounters on PCA and Counseling Congresses. Submitted papers for the 4th Psychotherapy World Congress (held in Buenos Aires). Has organized PCA Encounters and Activities linked to the development of Counseling. Trainer at the 2008 and 2009 Relational Depth Instruction and Training Program, with the participation of Dave Mearns and Elke Lambers. One of the organizers of Dave Mearns’ Masterclass held in Buenos Aires in 2009. Technical Team Reviewer of the Spanish version of Dave Mearns y Brian Thorne’s “Person-Centered Counseling in Action”. Publishers: Gran Aldea Editores.

Maximiliano Bonomi

Certified Public Accountant. Official degree in Receivership for creditors’ meetings and bankruptcy proceedings and in Advisory Services for Companies in Crisis. Has taken part in courses and congresses on Argentine tax legislation, economic and financial Budgeting provided by the CPCE, among others. Counselor’s degree at Holos San Isidro. Graduate course on “The Helping Relationship” at Casabierta. Training in Relational Depth provided by Dave Mearns and Elke Lambers. ‘Applied Counseling’ and ‘Counseling Theory and Practice’ co-teacher at Holos San Isidro. Group Coordinator in help and support groups for underprivileged teens and youngsters at risk. Volunteer work at a Home for terminal HIV patients. Member of a help group providing PCA care and support for low-income people. Private practice as a Counselor.

Martín Lange

Counselor. Specializing in Personal Development. Focusing Oriented Therapist. In-depth training in PCA at "Casa Abierta". Facilitator of rebirthing. Theoretical-experiential training for Counselors led by Dave Mearns and Elke Lambers. Presentation of a workshop on “Congruence” at the 4th World Congress on Psychotherapy (held in Buenos Aires). Trainer at the 2008 and 2009 Relational Depth Instruction and Training Program, with the participation of Dave Mearns and Elke Lambers. One of the organizers of Dave Mearns’ Masterclass held in Buenos Aires in 2009. Technical Team Reviewer of the Spanish version of Dave Mearns y Brian Thorne’s “Person-Centered Counseling in Action”. Publishers: Gran Aldea Editores. Teacher at Counseling school. 20 years’ experience working at banks in the corporate finance area. Providing advice to companies in crisis in the area of negotiations and conflict resolution. Has his own private counseling practice.

Sergio Daniel López

Counselor. Social Psychologist. Specializing in Personal Development. Addiction Prevention Training (SEDRONAR). Relational Depth Training (provided by Dave Mearns and Elke Lambers) Focusing-Oriented Terapist and Focusing Trainer (Focusing Institute in Argentina). Coordinates Counseling studies at the Instituto Superior de Enseñanza INTERCAMBIO Counseling School. Teacher on several courses for Counselor training. Instructor and supervisor for PCA professionals. Pedagogical advisor at Samaritanos NGO. Trainer and teacher of Basic Elements of the Person-Centered Approach (optional subject for “Samaritanos NGO” at the “Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB)” in Caracas, Venezuela). Special mention granted by the Santa Fe Province Ministry of Education in Argentina for courses provided on “Professional Instruction”. Workshop and conference organizer and lecturer at a variety of Counseling encounters and congresses. Technical Reviewer of the Spanish version of Dave Mearns y Brian Thorne’s “Person-Centered Counseling in Action”. Publishers: Gran Aldea Editores. Buenos Aires, 2009. Director of the "Centro PRADERA" (Personal Development Specializes in Addictions), Bogotá, Colombia.

Patricia Szychowski

Counselor. Breathing Awareness Facilitator. Specialization in Personal Development. Specialization in Sexuality. Specialization in Educational Counseling. Interdisciplinary Instruction Specializing in Family Violence. Training Program Leadership (International Seminar Leadership Programs - Washington, CT, USA ). Relational Depth Training (provided by Dave Mearns and Elke Lambers). Private Counseling Practice. Individual and group practice as a Rebirthing Facilitator. Supervisor for PCA professionals. Role Training Teacher, Sexuality Counselor and Supervisor for Counseling students. Workshops presented at a variety of Argentine PCA Encounters. Group Coordination applying PCA. Co-coordination of Psychodrama and Gestalt Laboratories. Trainer at the 2008 and 2009 Relational Depth Instruction and Training Program, with the participation of Dave Mearns and Elke Lambers. One of the organizers of Dave Mearns’ Masterclass held in Buenos Aires in 2009. Technical Team Reviewer of the Spanish version of Dave Mearns y Brian Thorne’s “Person-Centered Counseling in Action”. Publishers: Gran Aldea Editores.