PCE7, Person Centered Professional Development, was born with the desire and conviction to generate spaces for Training and Professional Development.
We are a group of professionals identified with the conception of man that Carl Rogers has developed, and with a person centered perspective and Philosophy. Each of us feels a deep commitment that that leads us to the realization of actions for the dissemination and the facilitation of professional development from this model.
Those who integrate this team we are: Claudia Aguado, Karina Bahillo, Maximilian Bonomi, María José González Cherry, Martin Lange, Sergio Daniel López and Patricia Szychowski.
In addition to being linked by the same profession and the philosophy of PCA, we are united by a great friendship.
From our beginnings, we decided to call us PCE7 (People Focused on the Encounter), because it is in the meeting where we learn, where we grow; and it is mainly in the meeting where the life is manifested in its many forms.
Based in the belief that the presence of certain specific qualities in the interpersonal encounters are a very powerful tool for personal development; we join many other professionals from all over the world in the effort to deepen our reflections and add conceptual contributions and research that are valuable for the update of our practices and useful for the transmission to professionals and people in any area of the community.
For almost 10 years we have been working together in different activities: teachers in counseling institutes, in the realization of various workshops, world conferences, forums and trainings, and offering training for professionals and the community in general.
We are restless…., sometimes too restless…; it is a joke that we always do between us when we meet. Our purpose is to stay in the forefront, always trying to be updated in the advances and developments related to the world of PCA and Counseling; and our mission is to share all this knowledge with the rest of the community, both professional and not professional.
We hold the questions as our principle, and the search is our path. The certainties, the uncertainties and dissent, are part of that journey that we share; and when we find the answers, they lead us to another questions that keep us in that “tension” of search, of reflection, of exchange, of creative energy.
We are aware of the permanent need to enrich our knowledge to be able to provide a more effective aid to the people who in these times have new questions and they need to find new answers and alternatives to improve their quality of life and a better relationship with theyselves, with others and with nature.